Eye Care Technology

Utilizing Advanced Technology to Care for Your Eyes

Technological enhancements have improved the ability for your eye care providers to manage and detect eye diseases, aid in fitting difficult contact lenses, and keep accurate patient records. Our office keeps up to date on all the latest technological advances to ensure the best quality care for you.

Myopia Master by OCULUS

NEW to Richlin & Associates and NEW in Los Angeles

We are one of the first eyecare practices to use the new, cutting-edge Myopia Master that combines the ability to perform auto-refraction, measurement of axial length, and measurement of corneal curvature that indicates astigmatism (keratometry), along with a myopia software.

Our Myopia Master allows for easier and more reliable detection of myopia, which leads to more accurate diagnoses and quicker treatment. This is especially important for young children as myopia becomes more prevalent.  And this high tech eyecare equipment is anintegral part of Richlin & Associates Myopia Control Center.

If your child shows signs of near-sightedness or says their vision is blurry when looking at objects far away, they may benefit from testing with Myopia Master here in Beverly Hills. We look forward to providing comprehensive vision care for your family!  Make sure to schedule your adult or children’s eye exams if you have not visited us recently.

OCULUS Myopia Master

Optovue AngioVue OCT Angiography

OCTA or Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography

What is OCTA Imaging and why use it?

OCTA is the only non-invasive method for our eye doctors to see your retina’s vascular structures.1 In the past, doctors used fluorescein angiography – which uses injections of contrast dye.  Those dye injections were associated with range of side effects and produced limited imaging results.2  The AngioVue OCTA used in our office produces clear images in seconds and does it without needing dye injections.

Our doctors ability to visualize your the vascular structures of your retina give us a clearer picture of the overall health of your eyes.

1. Spaide RF, Klancnik Jr JM, Cooney, MJ. Retinal Vascular Layers Imaged by Fluorescein Angiography and Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2015;133(1):45-50. Published online October 09, 2014.
2. Kwiterovich KA, Maguire MG, Mrphy RP, Schacat AP, Bressler NM, Bressler SB, et al. Frequency of adverse systemic reactions after fluorescein angiography. Results of a prospective study. Ophthalmology. 1991;98:1139-42.

LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation

Technology for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) shown to improve gland function.

Dry Eyes and MGD

86% of patients suffering from Dry Eye Disease are affected by Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD).

Quick, Drug-Free Treatment 

Our LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation system treats MGD without using drugs.  Safety and long-term effectiveness have been demonstrated in peer-reviewed studies.2,3,4

1. Lemp, M. A., Crews, L. A., Bron, A. J., Foulks, G. N., & Sullivan, B. D. (2012). Distribution of Aqueous-Deficient and Evaporative Dry Eye in a Clinic-Based Patient Cohort. Cornea, 31(5), 472-478. doi:10.1097/ico.0b013e318225415a2. Lane SS, DuBiner HB, Epstein RJ, et al. A new system, the LipiFlow, for the treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction. Cornea. 2012; 31(4): 396­.3. Blackie, CA, Coleman, CA, Holland, EJ. The sustained effect (12 months) of a single-dose vectored thermal pulsation procedure for meibomian gland dysfunction and evaporative dry eye. Clin Ophthalmology. 2016; 10: 1385–1396.4. Blackie C, Carlson AN, Korb DR. Treatment for meibomian gland dysfunction and dry eye symptoms with a single-dose vectored thermal pulsation: a review. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology. 2015; 26(4):306-13.


Digital Retinal Photography

We offer state of the art digital retinal photography using the Canon CR-1 Mark II Digital Retinal Camera. This gives us a more complete view of the back of your eye (the retina) than has previously been possible.

What is Digital Retinal Photography?
Digital Retinal Photography is new technology that represents the latest in eye disease detection. It allows us to more thoroughly evaluate your retina, the sensitive tissue in your eye that is responsible for vision. The retina is susceptible to a variety of diseases, which can lead to vision loss.

Why do I need this test?
Digital Retinal Photography gives us a more comprehensive way of viewing your eyes than was previously available and it allows us to perform a more thorough exam. As it adds to our ability to evaluate the health of your eyes, it is especially important if you have headaches, spots or flashes, a family history of glaucoma, diabetes or macular degeneration, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, or arthritis.

Is it covered by insurance?

While insurance plans provide basic vision or eye health coverage, they do not currently include this advanced diagnostic testing. However, if your doctor determines digital retinal photographs are medically necessary, we will file this service through your medical insurance carrier.

digital retinal photography

digital retinal photography


Retinal Scanner

Scans the back of the eye and assist in the diagnosis and management of retinal eye disease and conditions, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration and retinal lesions. It provides full color, 3-dimensional images and more detailed information than previously available. This information is invaluable in determining the treatment process.

The OptoVue RTVue OCT (optical coherent technology) completes 26,000 A-scans per second, or 65 times faster than prior technology. This is like comparing an old-style black-and-white analog television to today’s high-definition flat screen television. The faster speed provides an extremely high resolution for more accurate diagnosis of hidden eye conditions. This device provides color mapping of the optic nerve, retina and macula. This mapping establishes the presence and severity of a condition, such as glaucoma.

The OptoVue RTVue OCT is not unlike a CAT scan, but without the dye injections, loud noises or a claustrophobic tunnel. This new instrument is an ultra-high speed, high-resolution scanner for retinal imaging and analysis that is revolutionizing retinal diagnosis.

This non-invasive procedure takes about 15 minutes to complete and is covered by most insurance programs and Medicare.



Peripheral Vision Testing

Peripheral vision testing is important to detect for problems associated with the eye, optic nerve and brain. The Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer is the standard in visual field instrumentation.

Your routine exam will include a visual field screening utilizing the Humphrey FDT Perimeter Visual Field. This new frequency doubling technology provides a very fast and clinically verified means of detecting early visual field loss. It is especially helpful in detecting glaucoma but may also detect other neurological disorders.

For more advanced visual fields we use the Humphrey-Zeiss HFA visual field analyzer. Our screening visual fields or other findings during the exam may dictate the need for advanced visual fields to more accurately diagnose problems with peripheral vision. It is the accepted standard of care in glaucoma diagnosis and management. Validated by decades of research and clinical experience, the Humphry-Zeiss HFA is the “gold standard” for advanced visual field testing.

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Corneal Topography

Corneal topography is non-invasive medical imaging technique for mapping the curvature of the cornea, the outer structure at the front of the eye. The Medmont E300 Corneal Topgrapher is a renowned market leader. Since the cornea is normally responsible for some 70% of the eye’s refractive power, its curvature is of critical importance in determining the quality of vision and can be used to assist in difficult contact lens fitting, refractive surgery, orthokeratology, keratoconus and scleral lenses. This device utilizes the most current contact lens fitting software to help design your contact lenses.

Digital Imaging

Digital imaging systems are used to view and capture high quality contrast images of your eye. Utilizing the newest Huvitz ReSeeVit HR Elite Digital Camera your doctors can properly manage and identify problems on the front surface of your eye. Some common conditions are viral infections, corneal foreign bodies, and corneal ulcers can be digitally documented in your records.


Digital Refractors

A modern device, which combines the most advanced refractive technologies and digital testing. It is designed for accurately determining the optical error of your eye and your best corrected vision. It can help determine and identify the degree of astigmatism and strabismus (eye muscle imbalance). Your prescription will be measured utilizing the modern Huvitz Digital HDR 7000 Refractor.


Electronic Medical Records

We have been using Electronic Medical Records since 2005, so that we may maintain complete and precise records for all of your eye care needs. Using the Electronic Record system and Digital Signature check in process allows us to be as environmentally friendly as possible. We attempt to only utilize emails and text messages to notify you when your purchased products have arrived or for your annual appointment reminders.